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HomeJuvenile Justice Issues


What is Civil Citation?

Based on Florida Statute 985.12 and recently updated in Florida HB 1181, it is an alternative to arrest for youths under 18, who become involved in common misbehavior and/or first-time low-level misdemeanor offenses. In Collier County, this program is also offered to eligible students 18 to 20 years old. Note: Civil Citation is also known as a "pre-arrest delinquency citation".


What are the consequences of youth arrest?

Any youth arrested may receive a possible jail term, suspension or expulsion from school – and will have a criminal record for life, even if his or her jail term is suspended. A criminal record is public information that can result in future denial of student loans and scholarships, mortgages, job opportunities, and military service.

Who is and who is not eligible for Civil Citation?

Youths with no previous record are usually eligible after committing offenses such as petit theft, criminal mischief, trespassing, disorderly conduct, disruption of a school event, simple assault/battery, and possession of alcohol, marijuana, or vaping materials. Youths who commit serious misdemeanors, felonies or have three prior Civil Citations are not eligible.


What does Civil Citation involve?

Civil Citation is an individualized service plan that must be signed by the youth and parent/guardian. The youth must admit wrongdoing, take responsibility for the offense, and complete a specified number of hours of community service. Additional sanctions may include letters of apology, counseling, and restitution to the victim. Upon successful completion of these sanctions, the youth will have no Florida arrest record.

Is Civil Citation successful in preventing future delinquency?

For the past few years, the overall Collier County utilization rate has been over 70%. (In 2023, the utilization rate for school-based cases was 90%, and for community-based cases 27%.) The Collier County completion rate is consistently between 90 to 95%, and the recidivism rate between 4 to 5%. This makes Civil Citation the leading, most cost-effective program in giving kids a second chance and opportunity for a positive future.

Link to Dashboard

  • Prior to Civil Citation, kids who became involved with law enforcement were often arrested.

  • Civil Citation increases public safety, saves money, and saves our children's future.

JJ Teen in counseling

View Interactive Civil Citation  Dashboard

Resources to Learn More

Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. https ://

Civil Citation Dashboard. FL Dept of Juvenile Justice Dashboard

Gulf Coast Life, WCGU Interview.

Contact Us

Speakers are available for groups that wish to learn more about Civil Citation and how it can save the future of our most precious asset – our kids.